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Want to know what’s going in your Shul? Be on the inside, privy to the secret of what keeps Congregation B’nai Sholom-Beth David’s doors open. For those of you who are already involved, thank you. If you have been sitting on the sidelines, now is the time to join and become an integral part of your Jewish community. Don’t know what would be a good fit? Talk to Ira Salwen, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, or Nancy Hochhauser, Temple President, who will be happy to advise you.

The committees (in alphabetical order) and chairpersons are listed below. Call on them with questions and comments.  For telephone numbers or email addresses, please refer to the CBS-BD membership directory on our website or call the synagogue office at 764-4100.

*Catering                            Jonathan Winderman, Samantha Melendez

*Cemetery                          Dr. Steve Friedman         

*Chai Lights Newsletter      Ellis Simon

*College Commission         Bonnie Friedman, Alyce Goodstein, Fortune Kaufman, 

*Communications               Jonathan Winderman

*Finance                             Michael Shenker

*Fundraising                       Barry Hochhauser, Barry Silverman

*House                               Hon. Jeff Goodstein

*Israel/Social Action           Herb Friend

*Kiddush                             Nanci Moskowitz

*Legal                                 Mark Skolnick

*Membership                      Barry Hochhauser  

*Memorial Book                  Nanci Moskowitz

*Recurring Events               Elisa Matas Skolnick

*Religious Life & Practices  Dr. Martin Greenberg

*Sisterhood                          Tracey Simon, Abby Winderman


Committee Duties

The Chairpersons of permanent committees* are invited to attend all regular meetings of the Board of Trustees to give their reports and to answer questions about their activities.

Supervises activities requiring a caterer to ensure the rules of Kashruth and Sabbath observance.

 The Cemetery Committee oversees the administration of the cemeteries, burial regulations, interments and rituals in accordance with the requirements of Conservative Judaism. Also oversees maintenance and upkeep of the cemetery properties.

*College Commission
Tracks and communicates with children of congregants who are attending either undergraduate, graduate, or professional university. The Commission sends appropriate holiday gift packages as well as cards and other forms of communication to influence the spiritual development of students as they move from adolescence to adulthood.

 Responsible for periodic audits of the books and accounts of the Congregation and reporting semi-annually, and whenever the Board of Trustees may request such a report. Finance also aids in the preparation of the annual budget.

 Formulates and promote plans, programs and activities designed to produce revenue for the Temple.

 Administers and supervises all matters and functions related to the maintenance and preservation of the properties of the Congregation.

*Israel/Social Action
 Keeps the Congregation informed of current events requiring social action and events which affect the State of Israel.

The Legal Committee reviews any proposed amendments to the Constitution, determines the legality of any such amendments and causes them to be properly presented before the Congregation for action. It also advises the officers and Board of Trustees on legal matters and prepares legal documents when necessary for execution by the officers.

 The Committee communicates with Jewish families, individuals, and interfaith married families in the community who are not yet formally affiliated with any congregation, particularly those families and individuals who have recently moved to the area, with a view of inviting them to become members of the Congregation. The Committee receives application for membership, reviews them, and on the acceptance of a new member, reports to the Board of Trustees. The Committee also has responsibility for retention of existing members.

*Memorial and Endowment
 Promotes the sale of memorial objects and the establishment of endowments.

*Recurring Events
 Plans and organizes events and dinners that recur every year (Shabbat dinners, Super Bowl-A-Thon Fundraiser, Chanukkah Party) 

*Religious Life & Practices
 The members assist the clergy in the conduct of all religious services and all related matters to promote the religious interest of the Congregation.

 We work to build friendship and community for its members and for the congregation as a whole.  




Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785